Fertility Acupuncture - IUI
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Acupuncture Protocol
Preconception: Receiving treatments once a week in the 1-2 months leading up to commencing an IUI cycle is optimal:
Minimize stress
Maintain hormonal balance
Enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries
Promote egg health and quality
Stimulation: One treatment between cycle day 5 and 9 can help:
Enhance blood flow to the uterus
Minimize stress
Reduce the adverse effects of medications
Support for egg quality, quantity, and development
IUI: Receiving one treatment within 24-48 hours of the IUI can help:
Alleviate uterine contractions
Aid in facilitating ovulation
Assist in supporting progesterone levels
Minimize stress
Enhance the thickness and quality of the uterine lining
Enhance blood flow to the uterus
Implantation: Receiving one treatment 6-10 days after IUI can help:
Minimize uterine contractions
Aid implantation rates
Minimize stress
Aid early pregnancy