Fertility Acupuncture - Natural IVF
Natural IVF Acupuncture Protocol
Preconception: Receiving treatments once a week during the 1-2 months before starting an IVF cycle is the optimal approach.
Minimize stress
Maintain hormonal balance
Enhance uterine blood circulation
Promote egg health and quality
Stimulation: Undergoing treatments twice weekly between cycle day 1 and retrieval can help:
Enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.
Minimize stress
Promote egg health and quality
Increase the thickness and quality of the uterine lining
Day of Transfer: Undergoing one treatment within 24 hours before or after embryo transfer can help:
Minimize uterine contractions
Aid implantation rates
Minimize stress
Implantation: Undergoing one treatment 5-7 days after transfer can help:
Minimize uterine contractions
Aid implantation rates
Minimize stress
Aid early pregnancy